Why SBS?

Both FORTUNE 1000 and Hi-Tech Startup have more in common than meets the eye. They share a common challenge…the ability to focus limited time, resources and staff on the engineering, research and development of tomorrow’s unique products and services. As always the goal remains the same…the rapid, cost effective introduction of these new innovative achievements. Unfortunately, in the majority of circumstances both lack critical expertise in multiple business disciplines such as Sales, Marketing, PR, Finance, Operations and Business Development. Being the best in just one area doesn’t cut it anymore......

Through trial and error, technological visionaries have painstakingly realized that all primary business management functions require the same expertise, consideration and commitment as their R&D efforts. With qualified outsourced professionals in place, these entrepreneurial engineers can dedicate their time and efforts on what they do best…the conception and creation of tomorrow’s revolutionary technologies. Very simply......Focus On What You Do The Best...And Outsource The Rest!

As more and more Corporate and Startup “paradigm shifters” choose to outsource these critical management functions, they prove their viability in the marketplace. The result: internal expertise in multiple business disciplines grows. As the business model expands, revenues multiply and in house expertise continually evolves. This will then allow skilled staffing acquisitions to commence. In the end, these previously outsourced core business functions are then brought “in house” by qualified staff, equipped with the essential specialized skill sets to move the organization or division forward. The SBS UVA “Unique Value Add” In today’s global marketplace, both small and large technology-based business models are challenged to attain that Holy Grail in business… the ability to consistently expand profitability while simultaneously decreasing operational costs. More and more of these up and coming organizations have seen the light and enjoy the significant value added savings and reduced new market entrance costs offered by the Outsourcing of Previously Unconsidered Core Management Functions Including Sales, Marketing, PR, Finance, Operations And Business Development.

Utilizing experienced industry experts, SBS can develop a team of certified “Network Affiliates” who can assist your organization with the cost effective and rapid market introduction of tomorrow’s hi-tech products and services today!